Generating controllable and editable human motion sequences is a key challenge in 3D Avatar generation. It has been labor-intensive to generate and animate human motion for a long time until learning-based approaches have been developed and applied recently. However, these approaches are still task-specific or modality-specific\cite {ahuja2019language2pose}\cite{ghosh2021synthesis}\cite{ferreira2021learning}\cite{li2021ai}. In this paper, we propose ``UDE", the first unified driving engine that enables generating human motion sequences from natural language or audio sequences (see Fig.~\ref{fig:teaser}). Specifically, UDE consists of the following key components: 1) a motion quantization module based on VQVAE that represents continuous motion sequence as discrete latent code\cite{van2017neural}, 2) a modality-agnostic transformer encoder\cite{vaswani2017attention} that learns to map modality-aware driving signals to a joint space, and 3) a unified token transformer (GPT-like\cite{radford2019language}) network to predict the quantized latent code index in an auto-regressive manner. 4) a diffusion motion decoder that takes as input the motion tokens and decodes them into motion sequences with high diversity. We evaluate our method on HumanML3D\cite{Guo_2022_CVPR} and AIST++\cite{li2021learn} benchmarks, and the experiment results demonstrate our method achieves state-of-the-art performance. Project website: \url{
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基于激光雷达的3D对象检测,语义分割和全景分段通常在具有独特架构的专业网络中实现,这些网络很难相互适应。本文介绍了Lidarmultinet,这是一个基于激光雷达的多任务网络,该网络统一了这三个主要的激光感知任务。在其许多好处中,多任务网络可以通过在多个任务中分享权重和计算来降低总成本。但是,与独立组合的单任务模型相比,它通常表现不佳。拟议的Lidarmultinet旨在弥合多任务网络和多个单任务网络之间的性能差距。 Lidarmultinet的核心是一个强大的基于3D Voxel的编码器架构,具有全局上下文池(GCP)模块,从激光雷达框架中提取全局上下文特征。特定于任务的头部添加在网络之上,以执行三个激光雷达感知任务。只需添加新的任务特定的头部,可以在引入几乎没有额外成本的同时,就可以实现更多任务。还提出了第二阶段来完善第一阶段的分割并生成准确的全景分割结果。 Lidarmultinet在Waymo Open数据集和Nuscenes数据集上进行了广泛的测试,这首先证明了主要的激光雷达感知任务可以统一在单个强大的网络中,该网络是经过训练的端到端,并实现了最先进的性能。值得注意的是,Lidarmultinet在Waymo Open数据集3D语义分割挑战2022中达到了最高的MIOU和最佳准确性,对于测试集中的22个类中的大多数,仅使用LIDAR点作为输入。它还为Waymo 3D对象检测基准和三个Nuscenes基准测试的单个模型设置了新的最新模型。
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基于查询的变压器在许多图像域任务中构建长期注意力方面表现出了巨大的潜力,但是由于点云数据的压倒性大小,在基于激光雷达的3D对象检测中很少考虑。在本文中,我们提出了CenterFormer,这是一个基于中心的变压器网络,用于3D对象检测。 CenterFormer首先使用中心热图在基于标准的Voxel点云编码器之上选择中心候选者。然后,它将中心候选者的功能用作变压器中的查询嵌入。为了进一步从多个帧中汇总功能,我们通过交叉注意设计一种方法来融合功能。最后,添加回归头以预测输出中心功能表示形式上的边界框。我们的设计降低了变压器结构的收敛难度和计算复杂性。结果表明,与无锚对象检测网络的强基线相比,有了显着改善。 CenterFormer在Waymo Open数据集上实现了单个模型的最新性能,验证集的MAPH为73.7%,测试集的MAPH上有75.6%的MAPH,大大优于所有先前发布的CNN和基于变压器的方法。我们的代码可在上公开获取
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该技术报告介绍了Waymo打开数据集3D语义分割挑战2022的第一名获胜解决方案。我们的网络称为Lidarmultinet,统一了单个框架中的3D语义细分,对象检测和泛型分割等主要激光镜感知任务。 Lidarmultinet的核心是一个强大的基于3D Voxel的编码器网络,具有新型的全局上下文池(GCP)模块,从激光雷达框架中提取全局上下文特征,以补充其本地功能。提出了一个可选的第二阶段,以完善第一阶段的分割或生成准确的全景分割结果。我们的解决方案达到了71.13的MIOU,对于Waymo 3D语义细分测试集的22个类中的大多数是最好的,它的表现优于官方排行榜上所有其他3D语义分段方法。我们首次证明,可以在可以端对端训练的单个强大网络中统一重大激光感知任务。
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In this paper, we propose Stochastic Knowledge Distillation (SKD) to obtain compact BERT-style language model dubbed SKDBERT. In each iteration, SKD samples a teacher model from a pre-defined teacher ensemble, which consists of multiple teacher models with multi-level capacities, to transfer knowledge into student model in an one-to-one manner. Sampling distribution plays an important role in SKD. We heuristically present three types of sampling distributions to assign appropriate probabilities for multi-level teacher models. SKD has two advantages: 1) it can preserve the diversities of multi-level teacher models via stochastically sampling single teacher model in each iteration, and 2) it can also improve the efficacy of knowledge distillation via multi-level teacher models when large capacity gap exists between the teacher model and the student model. Experimental results on GLUE benchmark show that SKDBERT reduces the size of a BERT$_{\rm BASE}$ model by 40% while retaining 99.5% performances of language understanding and being 100% faster.
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Achieving accurate and automated tumor segmentation plays an important role in both clinical practice and radiomics research. Segmentation in medicine is now often performed manually by experts, which is a laborious, expensive and error-prone task. Manual annotation relies heavily on the experience and knowledge of these experts. In addition, there is much intra- and interobserver variation. Therefore, it is of great significance to develop a method that can automatically segment tumor target regions. In this paper, we propose a deep learning segmentation method based on multimodal positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT), which combines the high sensitivity of PET and the precise anatomical information of CT. We design an improved spatial attention network(ISA-Net) to increase the accuracy of PET or CT in detecting tumors, which uses multi-scale convolution operation to extract feature information and can highlight the tumor region location information and suppress the non-tumor region location information. In addition, our network uses dual-channel inputs in the coding stage and fuses them in the decoding stage, which can take advantage of the differences and complementarities between PET and CT. We validated the proposed ISA-Net method on two clinical datasets, a soft tissue sarcoma(STS) and a head and neck tumor(HECKTOR) dataset, and compared with other attention methods for tumor segmentation. The DSC score of 0.8378 on STS dataset and 0.8076 on HECKTOR dataset show that ISA-Net method achieves better segmentation performance and has better generalization. Conclusions: The method proposed in this paper is based on multi-modal medical image tumor segmentation, which can effectively utilize the difference and complementarity of different modes. The method can also be applied to other multi-modal data or single-modal data by proper adjustment.
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两个分支网络体系结构显示了其对实时语义分割任务的效率和有效性。但是,低水平细节和高级语义的直接融合将导致一种现象,即周围的上下文信息很容易被详细特征淹没,即本文中的超声波,这限制了现有的两种分支模型的准确性的提高。在本文中,我们桥接了卷积神经网络(CNN)与比例综合衍生物(PID)控制器之间的联系,并揭示了两个分支网络不过是一个比例综合(PI)控制器,它固有地来自于此。类似的过冲问题。为了减轻这个问题,我们提出了一个新颖的三个分支网络架构:Pidnet,它分别拥有三个分支来分析详细的,上下文和边界信息(语义的导数),并采用边界关注来指导详细和背景的融合在最后阶段的分支。 PIDNET家族在推理速度和准确性之间实现了最佳的权衡,其测试准确性超过了所有存在的模型,这些模型在CityScapes,Camvid和Coco-STUFF数据集上具有相似的推理速度。尤其是,Pidnet-S在CityScapes测试套装上以93.2 fps的推理速度达到78.6%,在CAMVID测试集上速度为153.7 fps,速度为80.1%。
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基于对抗性学习的图像抑制方法,由于其出色的性能,已经在计算机视觉中进行了广泛的研究。但是,大多数现有方法对实际情况的质量功能有限,因为它们在相同场景的透明和合成的雾化图像上进行了培训。此外,它们在保留鲜艳的色彩和丰富的文本细节方面存在局限性。为了解决这些问题,我们开发了一个新颖的生成对抗网络,称为整体注意力融合对抗网络(HAAN),用于单个图像。 Haan由Fog2FogFogre块和FogFree2Fog块组成。在每个块中,有三个基于学习的模块,即雾除雾,颜色纹理恢复和雾合成,它们相互限制以生成高质量的图像。 Haan旨在通过学习雾图图像之间的整体通道空间特征相关性及其几个派生图像之间的整体通道空间特征相关性来利用纹理和结构信息的自相似性。此外,在雾合成模块中,我们利用大气散射模型来指导它,以通过新颖的天空分割网络专注于大气光优化来提高生成质量。关于合成和现实世界数据集的广泛实验表明,就定量准确性和主观的视觉质量而言,Haan的表现优于最先进的脱落方法。
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